Research Report
Harnessing Predictive and Proactive AI
TSIA Research Journey: AI for Predictive and Proactive Support
Vele Galovski
Vele Galovski
Distinguished VP Research and Advisory, Support & Field Services
April 26, 2024

This paper highlights the importance of harnessing predictive and proactive AI in support and field service organizations to improve customer experience, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. It provides a foundational framework—the AI Capabilities Landscape, which classifies 20 AI capabilities into four categories based on their adoption and potential in the industry. The paper presents real-world examples of Nokia’s use of chatbots with Generative AI and Dell’s implementation of predictive support to illustrate the benefits of AI. It also emphasizes the need for a data strategy, including a progression from reactive to predictive to proactive services and the crucial role of data in AI scalability and repeatability. The paper identifies two types of organizations in terms of their telemetry and AI capabilities: AI base campers and AI mountaineers. It concludes with a discussion of telemetry roadblocks and enablers and provides recommendations for organizations to take the first step with AI.
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